Animal Kingdom: A Thrilling Family Crime Drama That Captivates Audiences
Synopsis: Enter the Cody Family's Web of Deceit
WEB, the captivating crime drama series, follows the Cody family, a dysfunctional clan whose excessive lifestyle is fueled by their criminal activities. When Joshua "J" Cody's mother dies, he moves to his estranged grandmother's seaside house, where he becomes entangled in the family's dangerous web of theft and violence.
Season 2: The Cody Clan's Gamble
In Season 2, the Cody clan is back to their old ways. After a risky heist misfires, the boys blame their manipulative matriarch, Smurf, sending shockwaves through the family. Amidst the chaos, Baz struggles to cope with single parenting, while J navigates the treacherous path between loyalty and justice.
Streaming Availability: Watch Animal Kingdom on Netflix
As of May 8, 2023, Animal Kingdom - Season 2 is available for streaming on Netflix. The series has garnered widespread acclaim for its gripping storyline, complex characters, and stellar performances, making it a must-watch for fans of crime dramas and family thrillers.